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GET Requests

GET Requests

A GET Request is the receiving of data from the SAP Sales Cloud. You send a request - in the form of a URL - to the API interface and then receive the information in a JSON or XML format

It is important to understand what object information you want to receive and therefore how to work with parameters. You will quickly find in practice that you will be working with nested requests. This means that when you get an information from an object – you need it as a parameter for another request. 

2.1. SAP Sales Cloud Object Collections

With a GET request you query the data of a specific data table. Basically, it should be understood that SAP objects usually consist of several data tables. This means that when you request Data from one object, you have to know in which data table the information is located.

The best way to understand this relationship is to use the example of an account. Each account consist of one master data table. In here you will find information such as Account Name or Role – such as Prospect, Sold-to party, Ship-to party, etc. In summary: any information that can be uniquely assigned to a customer (1:1 Relation). To request the master data table you have to use the collection CorporateAccountCollection. But there are also other tables for Accounts available, such as Address, Sales Data, Attachments, Notes, etc. Here you can have multiple relations (1:n) since one Account can have multiple Attachments or Sales Data information.

To get an overview about all different collections you should use following SAP-Help webpage OData Documentation. Here you will get an overview of all different kind of collections.

2.2. Metadata

OData metadata provides a description for each data field for your API request. Here you can read all attributes, which helps you to proceed with your application.

2.2.1. Principle

OData service metadata can be filtered for all SAP Sales Cloud Objects. A request can look like this for all Objects:$metadata

or for only specific ones – in this case Opportunities and Sales Quotes:$metadata?$filter=Opportunity,SalesQuote

Under the following link you will find all Entity Type names – OData Documentation ( As a second step it is important to understand how to read the output of the metadata request. The attribute Name of EntityType provides the information of the Object – in the below output example: Opportunity. The next important Tag is PropertyRef which will provide information about the primary key of this object – in this case: ObjectID. The last Tag is Property, which shows information in his elements about Name, Type, Nullable, etc of each data field.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<edmx:Edmx Version="1.0" xmlns:edmx="">
 <edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion="1.0" xmlns:m="  
   <Schema Namespace="c4codata" xmlns="" xmlns:sap="http://" xmlns:c4c="">
     <EntityType Name="Opportunity">
       <Key><PropertyRef Name="ObjectID"/></Key>
       <Property Name="ObjectID" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false" MaxLength="70" FixedLength="true" s
       ap:creatable="false" sap:updatable="false" sap:filterable="true"/>
       <Property Name="ProcessingTypeCode" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="true" MaxLength="4" FixedLength ="true" sap:creatable="true" sap:updatable="false" sap:filterable="true" sap:text="ProcessingTypeCodeText" c4c:value-help="OpportunityProcessingTypeCodeCollection"/>

2.2.2. Attributes

The following describes the attributes for the property tag in more detail.


Contains the information about the name of the data field.


Contains the information about the type of the data field. Following types are available:

A binary type contains a text encoding scheme
Is a data type with only two possible values – usually true and false

SetAsWon, EffectiveIndicator

Date type which contains date and time without time zone offset
ValidFromDate, ValidToDate
DateTime Offset
Date type which contains date and time with time zone offset
CreationDateTime, LastChangeDateTime
A decimal numeral
NetAmount, ProbabilityPercent
Guid stands for Globally Unique Identifier. It is a 128-bit (16-byte) number used as an object key
UUID, AuthorUUID, LocalObjectUUID
32-bit integer. Integers with 32 bits can be positive and negative. The range goes from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
NumberOfColleagues, NumberOfMeetings
A string is a finite sequence of characters which can consist of letters, digits, special characters and also control characters
Description, EmployeeName
A time date information


In this attribute the default value for a field can be read. Depending on the data type, different values are permitted – for example, true or false for the boolean or only integers for the integer data type.


This attribute tells whether a certain length must be met on entry. The value of this attribute can be either true or false.


Defines a limit for the input of characters, for example maxlength=”30” means that a maximum of 30 characters is allowed. The value has to be an integer.


Allowed values are either true or false. When the value is true, that means it is allowed to leave this data field empty, when false it is mandatory to have a value.


The value of the attribute scale has to be an integer. Scale tells you the number of digits in a decimal value behind the point. For example the scale of the decimal value 199.56 is 2 (scale=”2”) and the scale of 3.145 is 3 (scale=”3”).


The value of the attribute precision has to be an integer as well. Precision is the number of digits in a decimal number. For example the precision of 199.56 is 5 (precision=”5”) and the precision of 3.145 is 4 (precision=”4”).

2.2.3. SAP-Attributes

You will also find SAP attributes in the property tag, which typically start with “sap:”. All occurring attributes are described in more detail in the following table.

Value is relevant for creating a new entry


Value is not relevant for creating a new entry
Value is relevant for updating an existing entry


Value is not relevant for updating an existing entry
The property can be used in $filter parameter


The property cannot be used in $filter parameter
The attribute provides the context for the property, as for each list data field there is always a key and a description. For example for Country there is an element for key and for description – i.e. DK for Denmark

2.3. Work with Parameters

Whenever you work with databases, you can use parameters when querying the data from this database. These not only ensure that your query runs more performantly – according to the motto: call only selected data instead of all of them – but it also makes the processing of the data in a programming source code much easier, since no superfluous data has to be removed here anymore.

2.3.1. Filter

Each or several data entries in a data table can be filtered. It is possible to use AND but also OR relations. The simplest case is of course that only one data entry is filtered. This technique is best explained by means of examples. The examples are explained on the basis of the object Sales Quote.

Simple filter

Example:$filter=ID eq ‘104905’


As you can see in the query, the Filter parameter is written with the dollar sign ($) in the URL. After that comes the condition. In this case it is the condition that the ID should be equal to the value 104905 – abbreviated by eq. The value to be filtered must be placed between single apostrophes. The term eq is a so called log query option, you will find an overview later in this chapter.


Example:$filter=ID ge ‘104866’ and CurrencyCode eq ‘PLN’


As you can see from this example, the Filter parameter exists only once in a query. The AND – and later also the OR relation – are assigned as one value to the filter parameter. In this example, all offers are selected where the ID is greater than or equal (short: ge) to the value 104866. Again, note that the value 104886 is written in single apostrophes. The AND relation is appended with the lowercase word and. After that the second condition is written. In this case, the second condition is that the CurrencyCode field is equal to the value PLN (short: eq). In full words it means that only the offers are returned that have the currency Polish zloty. Again, the value PLN is written in apostrophes.


Example:$filter=DocumentLanguageCode eq ‘PT’ or DocumentLanguageCode eq ‘CN’


The structure of the request for an OR relationship is the same as for an AND. The OR condition is entered via the lower case word or. In this example you can see that the code of the document language – DocumentLanguageCode – is selected. As output you get here all offers which were made in PT – Portuguese or CN – Chinese.


Example:$filter=ProbabilityPercent gt 50 and (BuyerPartyID eq ‘1000638’ or BuyerPartyID eq ‘1090596’)


With nested filter parameters you must always be careful in which order you insert them into the request and how you group them. In the example shown, all quotes are selected where the probability is greater (short: gt) than 50 and the account has (short: eq) the account number 1000638 or the account number 1090596. Note that fields of type Decimal Number are not written in apostrophes, since you are working with real numbers compared to the ID. The filter parameters you want to group are written in brackets, like the account numbers in this example.

Overview of Logs Query Options

There is a wide range of different logs query options. You have already seen some of them in the examples already shown – such as eq. A complete overview of all logs query options can be found in the table below.

Field Type in SAP Sales Cloud
Formatted Text
startswith(field, ‘search’)
starts with
endswith(field, ‘search’)
ends with
Multivalued List
not equal
Web Address
contains keyword
E-Mail Address
not contains keyword
Decimal Number
less than (<)
less than or equal to (<=)
greater than (>)
greater than or equal to (>=)
not equal

At the end of this section you will find a list of the logical operators AND and OR.

AND Operator
OR Operator

At this point it should also be mentioned that you can work with the wildcard *. As an example, you can also specify the following in the request Name eq ‘*C4C*’. This means that the search term Admin is searched for in the Name, whereby it does not matter how many characters there are before or after the Admin search term.

2.3.2. Work with Dates and Datetimes

Interestingly, many people find it difficult to deal in programming with a date, a datetime or times. The technical handling is precisely written down in the ISO 8601 standard. In the following all techniques are explained with simple examples.


Example:$filter=CreationDateTime gt datetimeoffset’2021-07-01T10:00:00.000Z’


In this example, all offers are queried that were created after (or in other words greater than – short: gt) the 1st of July 2021 at 10:00. The string input of the Datetime has to be written in single apostrophes into the function datetimeoffset. It is important at this point to understand how to write the Standard Datetime:

YYYY – MM – DD  T  hh : mm : ss . fff K

Month, has to be written with two integers, also for Months before October
04 for April
10 for October
Day, has to be written with two integers, also for Days before the 10th
01 for 1st of…
15 for 15th of…
The long time T format specifier. It simply separates the Date with Time
Hours, has to be written with two integers, also for hours before 10 o’clock
02 for 2 am
14 for 2 pm
Minutes, has to be written with two integers
Seconds, has to be written with two integers
Milliseconds, has to be a number between 1 and 999 – since 1 second are 1.000 milliseconds. This is optional and does not have to be part of the datetime
Kind Property which specifies the time zone in UTC. Often used is the capitalized Letter Z which stands for Zero Hour Offset (00:00) – also known as Zulu Time


Date fields contain only the date without specifying a time. When queried, the Kind Property can be skipped and the time is set to 0. For date only fields use the function datetime‘YYYY-MM-DD T 00:00:00’.

Example:$filter=ValidFromDate ge datetime’2018-01-01T00:00:00′ and ValidFromDate le datetime’2018-12-31T00:00:00′


This query filters all offers where the ValidFromtDate is between January 01, 2018 and December 31, 2018. The date is written in the format YYYY-MM-DD T 00:00:00 and noted in single apostrophes in the datetime function.


In SAP Sales Cloud, there are also data fields which only specify a time. The time is noted as follows:

PT ## H : ## M : ## S

The P stands for Period, T for Time, the H for Hours, the M for Minutes and the S for Seconds. The two # characters stand for the value, which must always be entered as two digits, even if the value is less than ten. A time is never empty on the database, but is specified as follows – if not filled: PT00H00M00S. For time fields you are using -when querying the function – time’PT##H:##M:##S’.

Example:$filter=Z_SubmittedTime_KUT gt time’PT15H00M00S’


In this example, all offers are filtered where the SubmittedDate is after (greater than – short gt) 15 o’clock. As you can see here the time is noted in single apostrophes in the time function. If you want to filter for empty time fields then use following query:$filter=Z_SubmittedTime_KUT eq time’PT00H00M00S’

Filter for date-fields which are not filled

In this example, all offers are queried were the Valid From Date is empty. Whenever a Date, Datetime or Time field is empty you will find the entry null in the database. A NULL value is a special indicator in database programming languages, which means that the data value does not exist in the database. In other words you can see it as a kind of placeholder to denote that values are missing in the database.$filter=ValidFromDate eq null

Output for Datetimes, Dates and Times

Below you can see the output formats in JSON and in XML format. In the XML output you can see the ISO 8601 formatting of the field types Date and Datetime. In JSON the output of Dates and Datetimes are noted in seconds after 1st of January in 1970, which is typically for JavaScript Programming. A recommended extension for JavaScript to work with date, datetime and clock times is moment.js ( If you want to know more about converting from seconds to a date format, visit the following page:

<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?--><br />//XML<br />2021-07-27T09:43:48.7543320Z<br />2021-07-27T09:35:32.0000000Z<br />UTC<br />2021-07-27T00:00:00<br />2021-10-27T00:00:00<br />PT16H00M00S<br />

"DateTime": "/Date(1627379028754)/",
"PriceDateTime": "/Date(1627378532000)/",
"TimeZoneCode": "UTC",
"ValidFromDate": "/Date(1627344000000)/",
"ValidToDate": "/Date(1635292800000)/",
"Z_SubmittedTime_KUT": "PT16H00M00S",

2.3.3. Orderby

When querying the data, you can already request the data in an ordered manner. This saves a lot of time in further processing in a source code. As an example it can be mentioned here that only the newest offer is to be processed in a program. Then you would have to work only the offer with the highest ID. In this case you work with the parameter $orderby. The best way to learn this Parameter better is again with examples.

Example 1:$orderby=ID desc


In this example, all offers – since there is no $filter parameter here – are queried in descending order (short: desc) according to the ID. There is also the possibility to order ascending, then use the term asc – short for ascending. If you leave out both asc and desc in the query, the sorting will be ascending by default.

Example 2:$orderby=SalesOrganisationID asc,ProbabilityPercent desc


The second example orders two data fields. First, all offers are sorted in ascending order (asc) by the sales organization ID. Second, the offers are then sorted in descending order (desc) by probability. If there are multiple sorts in the query, separate the individual sorts with a comma.

2.3.4. Top

You can use the $top parameter to limit the number of entries in an XML or JSON output. For example, with $top=2 you output only the first two quotes in a query with SalesQuoteCollection. The $top parameter is best combined with the $orderby parameter. For example, you can sort the quotations by quotation value in descending order and $top=1 will return only one quotation – instead of all of them – with the highest quotation value.$orderby=NetAmount desc&$top=2

2.3.5. Skip

You can use the $skip parameter to skip a certain amount of entries. The $skip parameter is best combined with the $orderby parameter. For example, you can sort the quotations by ID value in descending order and $skip=100 will return all entries after this 100th entry.$filter=DocumentLanguageCode eq ‘EN’&$orderby=ID desc&$skip=100

2.3.6. Format

You have the possibility to specify, with the $format parameter, whether you want to output a XML or a JSON format. Always write the $format parameter as the last parameter in your API query. If you do not define the $format parameter in the query, the XML format will always be selected by default. When querying, always write the value of the format – i.e. xml or json – in lowercase. The format parameter will then look like this:

XML:                  $format=xml
JSON:                $format=json

XML stands for Extensible Markup Language and is a markup language for representing hierarchically structured data. Sometimes you also do find ATOM instead of XML. Atom is the name of an XML-based Web content and metadata syndication format. So instead of writing $format=xml you can also write $format=atom. The XML format can be processed in any programming language, but is best suited in programming languages such as PHP, ABAP, Pearl. Following one example how a XML file looks like when querying the Quote with ID 104821 from SAP Sales Cloud.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>	
<feed xml:base="" xmlns="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:d="">
    <title type="text">SalesQuoteCollection</title>
    <link href="SalesQuoteCollection" rel="self" title="SalesQuoteCollection"/>
    <entry m:etag="W/&quot;datetimeoffset'2021-03-04T15%3A12%3A57.4644080Z'&quot;">
        <title type="text">SalesQuoteCollection('00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')</title>
        <category term="c4codata.SalesQuote" scheme=""/>
        <link href="SalesQuoteCollection('00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')" rel="edit" title="SalesQuote"/>
        <link href="SalesQuoteCollection('00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/ObjectIdentifierMapping" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="ObjectIdentifierMapping"/>
        <link href="SalesQuoteCollection('00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteAttachmentFolder" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="SalesQuoteAttachmentFolder"/>
        <link href="SalesQuoteCollection('00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteExternalPrice" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="SalesQuoteExternalPrice"/>
        <link href="SalesQuoteCollection('00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteItem" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="SalesQuoteItem"/>
        <link href="SalesQuoteCollection('00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteOutput" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="SalesQuoteOutput"/>
        <link href="SalesQuoteCollection('00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteParty" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="SalesQuoteParty"/>
        <link href="SalesQuoteCollection('00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuotePrice" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="SalesQuotePrice"/>
        <link href="SalesQuoteCollection('00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteReference" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="SalesQuoteReference"/>
        <link href="SalesQuoteCollection('00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteReferenceObject" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="SalesQuoteReferenceObject"/>
        <link href="SalesQuoteCollection('00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteTextCollection" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="SalesQuoteTextCollection"/>
        <link href="SalesQuoteCollection('00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteWorklistItem" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="SalesQuoteWorklistItem"/>
        <content type="application/xml">
         <d:ProcessingTypeCodeText>QT - Quotation</d:ProcessingTypeCodeText>
<d:ConsistencyStatusCodeText>Inconsistent </d:ConsistencyStatusCodeText>
         <d:LifeCycleStatusCodeText> Completed</d:LifeCycleStatusCodeText>
<d:CancellationStatusCodeText> Not canceled </d:CancellationStatusCodeText>
         <d:ResultStatusCodeText> In process</d:ResultStatusCodeText>
         <d:OrderingStatusCodeText> Not started</d:OrderingStatusCodeText>
<d:CreditWorthinessStatusCodeText> Not relevant </d:CreditWorthinessStatusCodeText>
<d:ReplicationProcessingStatusCodeText> Finished </d:ReplicationProcessingStatusCodeText>
<d:ProductAvailabilityStatusCodeText> Confirmation pending </d:ProductAvailabilityStatusCodeText>
         <d:Submit m:null="true"/>
         <d:SetAsWon m:null="true"/>
         <d:RequestExtData m:null="true"/>
         <d:UpdateOpportunity m:null="true"/>

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and is a markup language as well. A JSON file can contain objects, arrays and variables and is easy to read – for machines and humans. In most programming languages there is a parser available, to create a JSON object out of a string. It is common that JSON formats are widely used in programming language that are JavaScript based – e.g. React, Angular or Vue. Following the JSON output when querying the same Quote with ID 104821 from SAP Sales Cloud.

    "d": {
        "results": [
         "__metadata": {
             "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')",
             "type": "c4codata.SalesQuote",
             "etag": "W/\"datetimeoffset'2021-03-04T15%3A12%3A57.4644080Z'\""
         "ObjectID": "00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045",
         "ID": "104821",
         "BuyerID": "",
         "Name": "",
         "ProcessingTypeCode": "QT",
         "ProcessingTypeCodeText": "QT – Quotation",
         "BuyerPartyID": "",
         "BuyerPartyName": "",
         "BuyerContactPartyID": "",
         "BuyerContactPartyName": "",
         "ProductRecipientPartyID": "",
         "ProductRecipientPartyName": "",
         "EmployeeResponsiblePartyID": "",
         "EmployeeResponsiblePartyName": "",
         "SalesUnitPartyID": "",
         "SalesUnitPartyName": "",
         "SalesOrganisationID": "",
         "SalesOrganisationName": "",
         "SalesOfficeID": "",
         "SalesOfficeName": "",
         "SalesGroupID": "",
         "SalesGroupName": "",
         "DistributionChannelCode": "",
         "DistributionChannelCodeText": "",
         "DivisionCode": "",
         "DivisionCodeText": "",
         "SalesTerritoryID": "",
         "SalesTerritoryName": "",
         "DateTime": "/Date(1614870776973)/",
         "RequestedFulfillmentStartDateTime": "2021-03-05T00:00:00Z",
         "PriceDateTime": "/Date(1614870776973)/",
         "TimeZoneCode": "UTC",
         "TimeZoneCodeText": "UTC+0",
         "ValidFromDate": "/Date(1614816000000)/",
         "ValidToDate": "/Date(1614988800000)/",
         "CurrencyCode": "",
         "CurrencyCodeText": "",
         "DocumentLanguageCode": "EN",
         "DocumentLanguageCodeText": "English",
         "DeliveryPriorityCode": "",
         "DeliveryPriorityCodeText": "",
         "IncotermsClassificationCode": "",
         "IncotermsClassificationCodeText": "",
         "IncotermsTransferLocationName": "",
         "ProbabilityPercent": "100.00",
         "CancellationReasonCode": "",
         "CancellationReasonCodeText": "",
         "OrderReasonCode": "",
         "OrderReasonCodeText": "",
         "MainDiscount": "0.00000000000000",
         "NetAmount": "0.000000",
         "NetAmountCurrencyCode": "",
         "NetAmountCurrencyCodeText": "",
         "GrossAmount": "0.000000",
         "GrossAmountCurrencyCode": "",
         "GrossAmountCurrencyCodeText": "",
         "TaxAmount": "0.000000",
         "TaxAmountCurrencyCode": "",
         "TaxAmountCurrencyCodeText": "",
         "CashDiscountTermsCode": "",
         "CashDiscountTermsCodeText": "",
         "ConfirmationExistenceIndicator": false,
         "ConsistencyStatusCode": "2",
         "ConsistencyStatusCodeText": "Inconsistent",
         "LifeCycleStatusCode": "3",
         "LifeCycleStatusCodeText": "Completed",
         "CancellationStatusCode": "1",
         "CancellationStatusCodeText": "Not canceled",
         "ResultStatusCode": "2",
         "ResultStatusCodeText": "In process",
         "ApprovalStatusCode": "",
         "ApprovalStatusCodeText": "",
         "OrderingStatusCode": "1",
         "OrderingStatusCodeText": "Not started",
         "CreditWorthinessStatusCode": "1",
         "CreditWorthinessStatusCodeText": "Not relevant",
         "ReplicationProcessingStatusCode": "3",
         "ReplicationProcessingStatusCodeText": "Finished",
         "ProductAvailabilityStatusCode": "1",
         "ProductAvailabilityStatusCodeText": "Confirmation pending",
         "PriceCalculationStatusCode": "",
         "PriceCalculationStatusCodeText": "",
         "PricingProcedureCode": "",
         "PricingProcedureCodeText": "",
         "ExternalPriceCalculationStatusCode": "",
         "ExternalPriceCalculationStatusCodeText": "",
         "ExternalPricingProcedureCode": "",
         "ExternalPricingProcedureCodeText": "",
         "CreationDateTime": "/Date(1614870777464)/",
         "LastChangeDateTime": "/Date(1614870777464)/",
         "CreatedBy": "",
         "LastChangedBy": "",
         "CreationIdentityUUID": "00163EA7-293F-1EEA-B4AE-160B2EC00C1E",
         "LastChangeIdentityUUID": "00163EA7-293F-1EEA-B4AE-160B2EC00C1E",
         "VersionGroupID": "104821",
         "VersionID": "1",
         "External": false,
         "Submit": null,
         "SetAsWon": null,
         "SetAsLost": false,
         "RequestExtData": null,
         "PrimaryQuote": false,
         "UpdateOpportunity": null,
         "RequestExtFollowup": false,
         "GrossWeightMeasure": "0.00000000000000",
         "GrossWeightUnitCode": "",
         "GrossWeightUnitCodeText": "",
         "NetWeightMeasure": "0.00000000000000",
         "NetWeightUnitCode": "",
         "NetWeightUnitCodeText": "",
         "VolumeMeasure": "0.00000000000000",
         "VolumeUnitCode": "",
         "VolumeUnitCodeText": "",
         "ExternalApprovalStatusCode": "",
         "ExternalApprovalStatusCodeText": "",
         "PlantPartyID": "",
         "PlantPartyName": "",
         "EntityLastChangedOn": "/Date(1614870777464)/",
         "ETag": "/Date(1614870777464)/",
         "ObjectIdentifierMapping": {
             "__deferred": {
                 "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/ObjectIdentifierMapping"
         "SalesQuoteAttachmentFolder": {
             "__deferred": {
                 "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteAttachmentFolder"
         "SalesQuoteExternalPrice": {
             "__deferred": {
                 "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteExternalPrice"
         "SalesQuoteItem": {
             "__deferred": {
                 "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteItem"
         "SalesQuoteOutput": {
             "__deferred": {
                 "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteOutput"
         "SalesQuoteParty": {
             "__deferred": {
                 "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteParty"
         "SalesQuotePrice": {
             "__deferred": {
                 "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuotePrice"
         "SalesQuoteReference": {
             "__deferred": {
                 "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteReference"
         "SalesQuoteReferenceObject": {
             "__deferred": {
                 "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteReferenceObject"
         "SalesQuoteTextCollection": {
             "__deferred": {
                 "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteTextCollection"
         "SalesQuoteWorklistItem": {
             "__deferred": {
                 "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEB9F9F832D1301A045')/SalesQuoteWorklistItem"

2.3.7. Select

The $select parameter allows only selected data fields to be output. The principle is quite simple: You simply specify the field names in the request query under this parameter. The following request only selects the data fields ID and ProbailityPercent for all Sales Quotes where the DocumentLanguageCode is ENglish. The output format is JSON.$filter=DocumentLanguageCode eq ‘EN’&$select=ID,ProbabilityPercent&$format=json

Here is a part of an output for the shown request.

    "d": {
        "results": [
           "__metadata": {
               "uri": "'00163E36C2761ED8A6A9B917C1AEC0C1')",
               "type": "c4codata.SalesQuote",
               "etag": "W/\"datetimeoffset'2021-07-23T15%3A06%3A28.6472510Z'\""
           "ID": "32338",
           "ProbabilityPercent": "100.00"
           "__metadata": {
               "uri": "'00163E36C2761ED8A6AB02018E528E37')",
               "type": "c4codata.SalesQuote",
               "etag": "W/\"datetimeoffset'2021-07-23T15%3A06%3A28.6472510Z'\""
           "ID": "32339",
           "ProbabilityPercent": "100.00"

2.3.8. Count

Another useful parameter is $count, which has to be written directly after declaring the Collection in the API Request. As a result you will receive an integer, which represents the number of hits with respect do your filter settings. In the following example, all Accounts that can be located in the country (CountryCode) Poland (short: PL) are filtered. With the $count parameter you will receive an integer as a result.$count?&$filter=CountryCode eq ‘PL’

2.3.9. Inlinecount

Besides $count parameter there is the other useful parameter $inlinecount. As a result you will receive all entries and in your output there will be also the Attribute “_ _count:” added, which will show you the number of all entries. $inlinecount knows two values: allpages or none, where none is the default if you leave the value empty.$filter=BuyerPartyID eq ‘1000638’&$inlinecount=allpages&$format=json

Here is a part of an output for the shown request:

    "d": {
        "__count": "355",
        "results": [
           "__metadata": {
               "uri": "'00163E36C2761ED8B5D7F420689D4C4A')",
               "type": "c4codata.SalesQuote",
               "etag": "W/\"datetimeoffset'2021-07-23T15%3A06%3A28.6472510Z'\""
           "ObjectID": "00163E36C2761ED8B5D7F420689D4C4A",
           "ID": "40813",
           "ProcessingTypeCode": "QT",
           "BuyerPartyID": "1000638",

2.3.10. Expand

Using the $expand function, related entities will be included inline in the response. This means that you can bring data into a response that is actually only present in the response via a link. A good example of this are the contact persons in the GET request method of the AccountCollection.

Without Expand Function

Get Request:$filter=AccountID eq ‘1222586’ or AccountID eq ‘1222476’ &$select=AccountID,CorporateAccountHasContactPerson&$format=json


As you can see in the response, the contact persons are displayed via a link to the CorporateAccountHasContactPerson data source


    "d": {
        "results": [
                "__metadata": {
                    "uri": "'00163EA729E71EDBB5A0C20183036DE0')",
                    "type": "c4codata.CorporateAccount",
                    "etag": "W/\"datetimeoffset'2022-06-13T02%3A45%3A11.3646010Z'\""
                "AccountID": "1222476",
                "CorporateAccountHasContactPerson": {
                    "__deferred": {
                        "uri": "'00163EA729E71EDBB5A0C20183036DE0')/CorporateAccountHasContactPerson"
                "__metadata": {
                    "uri": "'00163EA729E71EDBB5A0C20183046DE0')",
                    "type": "c4codata.CorporateAccount",
                    "etag": "W/\"datetimeoffset'2022-05-17T02%3A45%3A24.3011140Z'\""
                "AccountID": "1222586",
                "CorporateAccountHasContactPerson": {
                    "__deferred": {
                        "uri": "'00163EA729E71EDBB5A0C20183046DE0')/CorporateAccountHasContactPerson"

With Expand Function

Get Request:$filter=AccountID eq ‘1222586’ or AccountID eq ‘1222476’ &$select=AccountID,CorporateAccountHasContactPerson&$expand=CorporateAccountHasContactPerson&$format=json


In the following response the $expand function gets the contact persons from the data source CorporateAccountHasContactPerson and displays them in the same response of the CorperateAccountCollection.


    "d": {
        "results": [
                "__metadata": {
                    "uri": "'00163EA729E71EDBB5A0C20183036DE0')",
                    "type": "c4codata.CorporateAccount",
                    "etag": "W/\"datetimeoffset'2022-06-13T02%3A45%3A11.3646010Z'\""
                "AccountID": "1222476",
                "CorporateAccountHasContactPerson": [
                        "__metadata": {
                            "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEC8EF7A52AF893340A')",
                            "type": "c4codata.CorporateAccountHasContactPerson",
                            "etag": "W/\"datetimeoffset'2022-04-14T12%3A51%3A56.3630250Z'\""
                        "ObjectID": "00163EA7293F1EEC8EF7A52AF893340A",
                        "ParentObjectID": "00163EA729E71EDBB5A0C20183036DE0",
                        "AccountID": "1222476",
                        "ContactID": "1292398",
                        "ContactFormattedName": "Lily Harris",
                        "Contact": {
                            "__deferred": {
                                "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEC8EF7A52AF893340A')/Contact"
                        "__metadata": {
                            "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEC8EF7A52AF89AB40A')",
                            "type": "c4codata.CorporateAccountHasContactPerson",
                            "etag": "W/\"datetimeoffset'2022-04-14T12%3A51%3A56.3630250Z'\""
                        "ObjectID": "00163EA7293F1EEC8EF7A52AF89AB40A",
                        "ParentObjectID": "00163EA729E71EDBB5A0C20183036DE0",
                        "AccountID": "1222476",
                        "ContactID": "1292397",
                        "ContactFormattedName": "Elijah Rodriguez",
                        "Contact": {
                            "__deferred": {
                                "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEC8EF7A52AF89AB40A')/Contact"
                "__metadata": {
                    "uri": "'00163EA729E71EDBB5A0C20183046DE0')",
                    "type": "c4codata.CorporateAccount",
                    "etag": "W/\"datetimeoffset'2022-05-17T02%3A45%3A24.3011140Z'\""
                "AccountID": "1222586",
                "CorporateAccountHasContactPerson": [
                        "__metadata": {
                            "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEC8EF7A51567F9D40A')",
                            "type": "c4codata.CorporateAccountHasContactPerson",
                            "etag": "W/\"datetimeoffset'2022-03-15T13%3A00%3A43.6972990Z'\""
                        "ObjectID": "00163EA7293F1EEC8EF7A51567F9D40A",
                        "ParentObjectID": "00163EA729E71EDBB5A0C20183046DE0",
                        "AccountID": "1222586",
                        "ContactID": "1292417",
                        "ContactFormattedName": "Madison Hernandez",
                        "Contact": {
                            "__deferred": {
                                "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEC8EF7A51567F9D40A')/Contact"
                        "__metadata": {
                            "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEC8EF7A5156801540A')",
                            "type": "c4codata.CorporateAccountHasContactPerson",
                            "etag": "W/\"datetimeoffset'2022-03-15T13%3A00%3A43.6972990Z'\""
                        "ObjectID": "00163EA7293F1EEC8EF7A5156801540A",
                        "ParentObjectID": "00163EA729E71EDBB5A0C20183046DE0",
                        "AccountID": "1222586",
                        "ContactID": "1292416",
                        "ContactFormattedName": "Owen Gonzalez",
                        "Contact": {
                            "__deferred": {
                                "uri": "'00163EA7293F1EEC8EF7A5156801540A')/Contact"

It is also possible to select only certain data fields within the expanded data using the $select function. Here is an example:

Select within Expanded Function

Get Request:$filter=AccountID eq ‘1222586’ or AccountID eq ‘1222476’ &$select=AccountID,CorporateAccountHasContactPerson/ContactID,CorporateAccountHasContactPerson/ContactFormattedName,CorporateAccountHasContactPerson/Department&$expand=CorporateAccountHasContactPerson&$format=json

Filtering in an expanded data source is not possible in SAP Sales Cloud due to the complexity of the linkage.

2.4. Examples of GET Requests

In this section you will learn about different GET requests for different collections. The focus here is on the visualization of the different GET requests and no longer on the exact explanation.

Account                                CorporateAccountCollection$filter=CountryCode eq ‘CN’ and RoleCode eq ‘BUP002’ and StateCode ne ”&$orderby=StateCode ASC&$top=10&$format=json
Filters for all Accounts in China (short: CN) and with RoleCode of a Prospect (technical Key: BUP002) and where the code of the State is not (not equal – short: ne) empty. The request is sorting by Statecode ascending and is only querying the first 10 hits. The Format is JSON.
Contact                                 ContactCollection$filter=LanguageCode eq ‘DE’ and startswith(FirstName ,’To’)&$format=xml

Filters for all Contacts which communication language is German and where the First Name start with the letters ‘To’, e.g. Tony, Toby, etc. The format is XML.

Business User                    BusinessUserCollection$filter=EmployeeID ge ‘100’&$format=json

Filters all Business Users where the ID is greater than 100 and displays all hits in JSON format.

Lead                                       LeadCollection$filter=endswith(ContactLastName,’wa’)

Filters for all Leads where the Last Name of the Contact ends with the keyword ‘wa’. Format will be XML.

Opportunity                         OpportunityCollection$filter=ExpectedRevenueAmount le 500000 and ProspectPartyName eq ‘*ergo*’

Filters for all Opportunitys, where the Expected Revenue is less or equal than 500.000 and the Prospect Name contains the key term ergo. You can always use * as wildcard character.

Phone Call                           PhoneCallCollection$filter=CreatedOn ge datetimeoffset’2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’

Filters for all Phone Calls which are created after or on the 1st of January in 2020.

Sales Quote                         SalesQuoteCollection$count?&$filter=SalesTerritoryName eq ‘Spain’ or SalesTerritoryName eq ‘Denmark’

Counts all Sales Quote where the Sales Territory Name is Spain or Denmark.

Sales Order                          CustomerOrderCollection$filter=CreatedBy eq ‘*Andrea*’ and ProcessingTypeCode eq ‘OR’&$orderby=EntityLastChangedOn desc&$top=10&$format=json

Filters for all Sales Orders which were created by Andrea and the Prossing Type is OR – stand for standard order. The output is ordered by the last changed on data descending and the output will be display in JSON format.


 Ticket / Service Request  Service Request Collection$filter=ObjectServiceIssueCategoryID eq ‘CA_22’&$format=xml

Filters for all Service Request – also known as Tickets – where the Object Category ID equals to CA_22 key. The output is in XML format.

Visit                                        VisitCollection$filter=Location eq ‘*JP*’ or Location eq ‘*DK*’&$top=10&$format=json

Filters for Visits where the location of the visit is either in JP – Japan or DK – Denmark. The output will only contain the first 10 entries and will be display in JSON format.

A very good overview for all – even the very special – Collection can be found at the following link OData Documentation ( Here you will find more examples, an overview of all fields and further explanations.


If the SAP Sales Cloud System is connected via an ERP-System then it would be interested to read out via OData the ERP ID of your Business Object. For this porpuse you have to use the ReferenceCollection of a Business Objects. Here is an example of a Sales Quote$filter=QuoteID eq ‘44123’ and RelationshipRoleCode eq ‘6’&$format=json

The Collection SalesQuoteReferenceCollection is basically showing the whole document flow of the Sales QuoteID 44123. When you specify the RelationshipRoleCode to 6, you get only documents which are copied from your Sales Quote, which is then the ERP document.

2.5. Build OData Queries for Reports

With SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud it is possible that data from reports can be queried with a GET request. On the one hand, this is useful if you want to use this data in an external reporting tool. Another use case is when you make very complex queries that you can then cover directly via a report (e.g. jointed data sources).

Navigate to Work Center Business Analytics and then go to Work Center View Design Reports. In the OWL, select your report and click Build Odata Queries via More Options .

Within the Build Odata Queries function, you can now build your GET request for the report in a user-friendly way. In the General Settings section show on the right, you can set up the $count or $inlinecount for your request, choose between the Format JSON or ATOM and set up values for Top or Skip. Click in the top right corner on the function Generate Metadata Query or Generate Data Query to generate the GET-Response query, which will be shown then in the greyed-out text field under OData Query (bottom right corner). The Run Query Function, will open and execute the generated GET-Request in a different Browser Tab. More detailed settings for your queries can be found in the Attributes and Filters tabs.

In the Attributes tab you will find a list of all characteristics and key figures of the report. For each item within these Attributes table, you will find following settings:


The Select Attribute means that the $select – Function will be built up. If you do not mark any line item as selected, it means that the query will not contain any $select and all attributes will be included in the GET-Request.


EDM ID of the Attribute

Attribute ID

Attribute ID of the Attribute


Description of the Attribute

Element Type

The Element Type of the Attribute can by either Characteristic or Key Figure


If you also query Key Figures, you can show results and intermediate results for Characteristics in the Response. The following figure shows the difference with and without Total property:

Order By

Select between Ascending and Descending to order the attribute

In the Filters tab you can select the filter type under the Option column. Decide between BT – Between, EQ – Equal to, GE – Greater than or equal to, GT – Greater than, LE – Less than or equal to, LT – Less than or NE – Not equal to. Then you can enter the values for filtering in the Low Value and High Value columns. The High Value field can only be edited if you select Between as the option.

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